Oregon Road Trip, 2023

  • May 1, 2023

I just came back from a road trip down the Oregon coast. I tried to find the best twisty back roads along the coast. I only got lost a couple…

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Botany Bay

  • August 12, 2018

I could not sleep this morning, so I decided to drive to Port Renfrew on the west coast of Vancouver Island. This is a 110 Km drive each way on…

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My mini vacation

  • September 24, 2016

Every once in a while everyone needs to get away and recharge their batteries. This weekend I went on a "photo holiday" up the west coast.  Some people would have…

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Last photos of Summer?

  • October 5, 2015

Last week, my son and I went for a walk on China Beach, as I mentioned in the last post. I promised more photos....It was a beautiful sunny day, but…

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Truck Parade, 2014
Merry Christmas

Truck Parade, 2014

  • December 7, 2014

Contrary to popular opinion, I must have been good this year. I had an opportunity to ride with Santa in the Christmas Truck Parade. It is a different view watching…

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  • September 14, 2014

I had to go over to Vancouver this weekend, which requires a ferry ride. Usually I sit with my laptop, or hang out with my kids, this time I brought…

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Beautiful West Coast

  • November 1, 2013

One thing I like about the west coast is that even the "ugly" stuff is photogenic. This beach detritus makes an interesting tapestry. Years ago, an artist friend told me…

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Victoria is a small town
Yes those are fans on the wall...

Victoria is a small town

  • September 6, 2013

The fog was rolling in this morning so I had to grab my camera and go for a walk{{1}}.One thing I like about Victoria is that is really small enough…

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