Staying Power – continued
In the previous post, I went in a slightly different direction than I intended, but what I found quite interesting was the definition of "10 best photos of all time".…
In the previous post, I went in a slightly different direction than I intended, but what I found quite interesting was the definition of "10 best photos of all time".…
I wrote in a post that I got a Lensbaby lens. Many people use the Lensbaby to control blur in an image, making a wedge of sharp surrounded by unsharp...You can also…
Warning: this article gets a bit more technical than usual. I will be showing more photographs in a future postI used to use large format cameras{{1}}, so I studied scheimpflug and depth of field.…
I am on the ferry to Vancouver to photograph some paintings that will be in an art show. Part of the expectation is to produce limited edition prints of the…
Last night I had a get together with a number of photographer friends, and we got talking about retouching shine on skin.I came across this method somewhere on the internet…
Update: This cruise has been postponed. New dates will be announced... Mark your calendar for May 15, 2014. Why? We will be cruising through the Mediterranean and taking photos.…