I think I am going to coin a new word; “photoglyptiki”
I wrote some time ago about renaming photography, “Light Writing”, to “Light Sculpture”{{1}}. Photography and post processing, as I practice them, is much more about taking reality and subtracting the less relevant bits. Sometimes I may add some light, either from a flash or other light source at the time of taking the photo, or in post-processing.
This image was taken from a BC Ferry before it left dock to go to Vancouver. I liked the graphic simplicity of it, but the raw image had a lot of distractions. I used the healing tool in Photoshop to remove several seagull droppings as well as a lot of sparkly reflections on the pavement. I added some light to the water and removed some light from the white shape on the lower left. Some sharpening and minimal dodging and burning and I ended up with this:
[[1]]In that article, I may have chosen the wrong word as I don’t speak Greek. Using Google Translate again, I found a better word. Or at least a better sounding word. Spelled phonetically “glyptiki” is a noun for a sculpture.[[1]]