I just got my main computer back after my motherboard died. Kudos to Rob at London Drugs who covered the repair, even though it was a couple of months outside warranty{{1}}. So I finally got to work on a few new techniques I have been dying to try out…
This first image is fall in Goldstream Park (one of my favourite places)
Of course it is difficult to have an “unretouched” image, because even when I open the image in a RAW processor I do some basic manipulation.
The bright fall leaves caught my eye. I also liked the leading lines created by the steep valley. Unfortunately, the camera could not make the leaves stand out the way I wanted them to, so I lightened them (slightly). I also did some selective darkening. Painting like this is made easier with a tablet and stylus. As a final touch I added a darker border (a vignette) around the outside to help contain the eye. move your mouse over the image above and you will see the final image. Notice the shading accentuates the leaves and adds depth to the image. Unfortunately, the difference is very hard to see and appreciate on the web, so lets try another…
Here the “painting” may be more obvious. Notice how, by selective shading and lightening (burning and dodging) the image becomes much more 3 dimensional. This is a trick I learned from a soon-to-be-famous painter friend{{2}}.
When you do the mouseover thing above, the differences can jump out, however, in the print, the shading is quite subtle. In fact I try to keep these manipulations from standing out, However the prints are much more alive and inviting.
Maybe I am no longer a “Photogrpaher”, but am more of an artist. I will argue though, that any image, whether created by pencil, brush, or camera, results in an interpretation of the scene by the creator. Hopefully, my interpretations appeal to others….
[[1]]I was having problems since I bought the computer, but I did get it for a good price. I was in a bit of a panic when I bought it because my laptop had just been stolen. I will say the salesman did not really listen to what I wanted the computer for, but after sale service has been, for the most part, pretty good.[[1]]
[[2]]One of Janise’s skills is glazing (something I have no idea about). She is able to bring her paintings to a much more interactive level compared to many other painters. I have tried to modify what she does and transfer the skill set to Photography.[[2]]